
Showing posts from May 22, 2022

Monday; May 23

I have always heard that “minor surgery” is something that someone else has. Well, I guess by that definition what I was going through three years ago today could be construed as “major surgery”. On May 23, 2019, I had quintuple bypass surgery. They tell me that there were several contributing factors to why I needed the procedure, but thankfully, everything went well, and I was as good as new soon after the procedure. I recently had a visit with my cardiologist, and he didn’t want to see me for another four months – another good sign. Now the reason I tell you this tale is a parallel I have seen in life. Shortly after getting some new cardiac plumbing, you have a tendency to take care of yourself – watching what you eat, getting exercise, etc. However, the further you get away from the surgery, the easier it is to fall back into bad habits. Interestingly, the same can be said for our spiritual heart as well. When we are first saved, we have a tendency to be dedicated to the Lo...