
Showing posts from December 3, 2024

Wednesday; December 4

I don’t know much about Corrie ten Boom, but I do know that she lived during a difficult time with an extraordinary commitment to help others.  The other day, I came across an interesting quote of hers that observed, “Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength – carrying two days at once.  It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time.  Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”  I have often described myself as a world-class worrier, so this observation struck a chord with me.  As I dissected what she said a couple things struck a chord with me.  First, trying to deal with the future armed only with the talents of the present is shortchanging us.  If we try to take on the challenges of the future without giving ourselves the chance to learn and grow, we’ll typically come up short.  However, if we wait to confront the future with skills and information that will come to us in time, we’ll have a bet...