Wednesday; May 8
Last week I all but lost my voice. I didn’t feel bad, but I wasn’t ready to run a sprint either. As I sat around not feeling up to doing much, it was tempting to get to feeling bad – not physically, but emotionally. As I looked back on my week, I can see how it would have been easy for me to get down on the dumps. I mean, here it is – right in the heart of spring and I am feeling puny. Then something interesting happened. I got to thinking about how it was five years ago this month that I had open heart surgery. It was four years ago that we were just learning about the dangers (and the drag) of the COVID epidemic. Compared to that, a scratchy throat didn’t seem too bad! How do we feel about our lives? Are we pleased with where we are or are we sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves? Are we thankful for what we have, or do we lament what we lack? Perspective is what we make of it. Are we willing to invest in a positive outlook? If so, we will probably be more likely ...