Tuesday; April 20
Are we spending too much time debating the Second Amendment and not enough time discussing the Sixth Commandment? I am one of those people who can see both sides of the gun argument. Growing up as political conservative, I learned to read and value the United States Constitution. Living in the places where guns were used for hunting and recreation as well as protection, I believe there is a legitimate place for firearms as tools. However, being involved in Law Enforcement for decades has taught me that not everyone should possess a gun. Having consoled families and conducted funerals for people who have died as the result of gun violence, I realize the damage they can do. I get it – on both sides. We have been arguing about gun issues for decades and I don’t know that we have made a lot of progress. Could it be that we are seeking answers in the wrong place? Maybe the issue isn’t political, maybe it is spiritual. Frankly, illicit killing has been around a lot longer than guns....