Monday; December 19
For the last several months I have been driving by a business that has a sign that says “Coming in 2022”. I have watched the progress with interest because there is a chance I would do business with them – but the other day, as I drove by and saw the sign once again, it dawned on me that time was running out. If they are going to open in 2022, they’d better hurry! As I processed this process, I got to thinking back to the beginning of 2022 when we made promises (I believe we called them “New Year’s Resolutions”) about what we hoped to accomplish this year. Guess what, we only have a couple of weeks to accomplish our goals. Traditionally, when we think about resolutions this time of year, we dismiss them as failures or add them to the list we plan to make in the next year, but its not too late to make the changes we proposed by in January. Some of our promises to ourselves might take more time to accomplish than the time we have left in the year, but we can get started. (It might ...