Thursday; April 23
I know that I am going to upset some people with what I am about to say, but I am going to go ahead and say it ... staying at home does not make us heroes! The other day when I heard someone advocate that we can act heroically by staying home, it just struck me the wrong way. Does staying at home make us good neighbors? Yes! Can it help save lives? Probably! But not doing something isn’t what makes heroes. Heroes are those who go out of their way to do something extraordinary. They risk their lives or their reputations to promote something they believe in. Doing the right thing doesn’t make us heroes – it makes us … right. There are a couple of reasons for me writing this. First, I believe that heroism should be reserved for those who have earned it. Those medical folks who risk their own personal health to treat others, they are heroes. Those first responders who are willing to risk their lives...