Tuesday; December 22
During a recent Bible Class, we got to talking about hospitality. In all honesty, we don’t talk too much about this in our society – and certainly not this year – but, often overlooked in the purpose of Christians is the need to show hospitality to others. There are a few references to hospitality in the New Testament, including John’s praise of a Christian named Gaius who seemed to excel in taking care of traveling Christians. After a bit of praise John writes, “We ought therefore to show hospitality to such people so that we may work together for the truth.” (III John 1:8). As I thought about this Christian virtue, I got to thinking about how it plays out in today’s society. In our modern culture, I don’t know of many people who are in desperate need of a place to stay or something to eat. I am sure there are some, but for the most part, our society has done a pretty good job of providing for these folks, so how can we be hospitable? The more I pondered this issue, the more ...