Monday; December 9
When someone does something that you find offensive or something that makes you feel uncomfortable, are you willing to confront them about it? I realize that there are levels of dislike, but if someone does something you strenuously object to, are you willing to say something about it? The reason I bring this up is that there are times when people do things to us or around us that make us feel uncomfortable; but they don’t realize what they have done. Sure, there are some things that shouldn’t be done in the first place, but there are many other things that are in that gray area – they may or may not be found offensive – what do we do in those times? I realize it can be uncomfortable to tell people what we don’t like, but wouldn’t it be better to express our opinions and ask that the behavior be modified rather than not saying anything and having the unknowingly offensive behavior to continue and drive a wedge between us – a wedge that they don’t even know ...