
Showing posts from July 26, 2022

Wednesday; July 17

If I were asked in public, I would probably like to say that I would just like to be an Average Joe. I don’t want to receive any favors and I reject the idea of desiring a life of privilege. I just want to be that common guy who keeps plugging away, heading toward a goal. That sounds good, doesn’t it! However, if you were to ask me in private if I would like to live the good life, I would be happy to sign up! It would be nice to enjoy the benefits of high society – to be in the upper echelon. It would be great to have the pedigree (and the benefits) that come from either royalty or influence. Yes, I would like to have what others have and live the way the “haves” live. Now, you might be thinking, “That’ll never happen” (and if you are talking about this life, you are correct). My physical family is about as plain as we can get. However, I am a member of another family that lives in “tall cotton”. When Peter describes Christians he says, “But you are a chosen race, a royal p...