Wednesday; March 24
I have to admit that daffodils are not my favorite flower (that would have to be the hibiscus), but I admire their fortitude. Living in Southern Maryland, we have to be reminded from time-to-time that spring is here. Sure, we’ll have a few warm days that will tease us into hoping the temperate weather is upon us, but before long we get a disturbing reminder or winter. Low temperatures in the twenties, gust and raw (cold) rain make it feel more like February than March. However, the daffodils are committed to sprouting and blossoming and spreading their yellow glow throughout the community. They don’t delay … they don’t come and go … they endure. Sometimes I wish humans had the same resilience and commitment as our flowers. A lot of us spring up when it is convenient, but when the challenges of life hit us we fade away. Others are so concerned about what might happen to us that we never blossom in the first place. What would happen if we did what the daffodils do and just bloom ...