Thursday; May 7
Have you noticed how easy it is to let other people think for us? I think if we were honest, most of us would claim that we are independent thinkers (I mean, isn’t that the essence of the American way). We would probably be adamant that we not lemmings who follow what we are told to think, but are we? When it comes right down to it, are we too trusting of what others tell us to believe? I hope the preceding paragraph is not offensive ... well, come to think of it, I am not sure that I am sorry if that was offensive because our ability to think for ourselves is something that we must protect if we are going to be successful. Sure, there is nothing wrong with listening to and agreeing with the opinions of others; but when we blindly follow what someone else tells us, that’s when the danger begins. As you read this you might be thinking that I am referring to politics – and, in a way I guess I am, but I am more concerned about two other areas of...