Wednesday; November 15
What do fishing and farming have in common? Patience! I like to fish … well, let me rephrase that, I like to catch fish. There is nothing more fun than getting into a school of fish or finding a honey hole and catching one fish after another. Now, having said that, I can only throw a lure into the water for a short period of time if the fish aren’t biting before becoming bored. I know several people who can sit and wait for hours, expecting the next moment will produce a whopper, but I am not one of those people. (Oh, by the way, when it comes to ice fishing, my patience reduces with the temperature.) Along the same line, I would be a terrible farmer because I think I would have trouble awaiting the germinating and growing process. When I have planted a garden in the past my impatience has translated a hobby into a headache. Rationally, I know that things don’t mature overnight, but when it comes to horticulture logic has little t...