Friday; August 21
One of the questions that we are facing in modern times is about the survivability of Christianity. If we listen to many of the doomsayers we would be led to expect that Christianity will go the way of the leisure suit and mullet haircut. We are being told by some that because it doesn’t tolerate anything and everything that is should be done away with. Others, who would like to hold on to the way we have done things in the past, lament the lack of support for their ways, so they predict that we are heading into oblivion. While I am not overly optimistic that our churches are going to fill to overflowing in the next few years, I do not believe that Christianity is doomed. Much of what we are seeing today is a social honesty that we haven’t had in the past (in other words, those who don’t want to have anything to do with Christianity are truthful about their feelings rather than masking it with a religious façade). Yet, there is another,...