
Showing posts from April 6, 2020

Tuesday; April 7

           As Christians, d o we ever feel like the world is out to get us?  Do we get this feeling that society, governments, unbelievers ... or any one of a number of other people ... are trying to bully us into backing down?   I do my best to try to stay positive about things like this and try not to join in with the negativity that is so easy spread, but if the truth were known, I would have to admit that there are some people out to destroy the Christian lifestyle.  While this may be the reality, there is another side to it – this is nothing new – God’s people have always been the subject to loudmouth detractors.  The fact that it exists isn’t what’s important, that is reserved for the question, “What are we going to do about it?”.            Most of us are familiar with the story of David and Goliath where the big meanie said awful things to the Israelite army.  He...