Monday; November 23
When we look at children, what do we see? Some of us might see an innocence or purity of heart that can’t help but make good decisions. Others are tempted to see a mini-adult that has all the wisdom, knowledge and experience of mature humans. Yet, when we look at a child, I believe that the most accurate thing to see is an unfinished work of art. While children have potential, they haven’t learned how to capitalize on it. They may not have been tainted by the biases of the world, but they don’t have the wisdom to apply their innocence. Children have a lot of potential, they just need people who are willing and able to help them unlock it – and that is where parents and caring adults come into play. Centuries ago, a wise man observed, “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; the rod of discipline will remove it far from him.” (Proverbs 22:15). When we see this verse, we are apt to cringe at the suggestion of corporal punishment, but I want us to look beyond phraseolo...