Friday; June 9
What is the greatest gift we can give? There are a lot of things of value we can choose from, but one that is simply invaluable is a smile. It doesn’t cost us a dime, but the investment can change lives. A simple smile brings joy to those who see it … helps relax a child in our presence … makes us change our internal mood … takes the edge off of uncertain events and helps us deliver and receive difficult news. Smiles don’t start in the face, they bubble up from the heart. Smiling has the ability to transform us – not just emotionally, but physically as well. Have you noticed that you can’t just smile with your lips, your eyes quickly join in and then the whole face is captivating? While smiling is such an easy thing to do (it really doesn’t take much effort to curl our lips), have you noticed how often we choose not to smile? How many of us walk around with scowl on our faces? If we look in the mirror do we expect to see a smile or a stoic, stonelike expression looking back at ...