Tuesday; February 2
I realize that the movie is beginning to get a little age on it, but every Groundhog Day I think back on Bill Murry’s movie by that name and smile a little bit. (For me, it is hard to believe the movie, released in 1993, is almost 30 years old, but I guess the math doesn’t lie.) If you haven’t seen the movie, the premise is that a man keeps redoing February 2 until he gets it right. Maybe I should have added a “Spoiler Alert”, but you wouldn’t be too many minutes into the film before you would have discovered that for yourself. Now, the reason I bring up Groundhog Day (the movie) is because I feel like we are living it – and have been ever since mid-March, 2020. Many of us probably feel like we have been doing the same thing every day for the past eleven months! Periodically we make some progress, but we are still wearing masks and listing to the medical and political debates over COVID. While this scenario might make an entertaining movie script, it is pretty discouraging in rea...