Friday; February 9
I have gotten into the habit of listening to a Bluegrass satellite radio station on Sunday mornings on my way to church because it plays “religious” music. While I am not a fan of all the music they play, I like most of the songs and they seem to get me in right frame of mind for the day ahead. The other morning I was riding a long and heard a phase that really caught my attention. I don’t know the singer or the title of the song, but the chorus went something like this, “I have been calling on Jesus for a long time, now He is calling me.”. As I thought about this I was inspired by the thought that discipleship is a two-way street. Sure, it is great to have the ability to call upon Jesus and rely on His help, but there is another part to this as well. When He calls upon us to do His bidding, are we willing to answer? No, the Lord’s success and failure is not dependent upon us working for Him, but we have a responsibly to Him. It is great ...