Tuesday; August 29
What do we do when we make a mistake? There are a variety of ways to deal with our own failure, but the most responsible is to address it with those who have been negatively affected. If what we did was a sin, we should approach God seeking forgiveness. If our acts created a hardship for others we should find the ways to make it right with them. While these are adult responses to our failures, there is something else we should probably consider. When we have done what we need to do with others, are we willing to put the past behind us? Are we capable of moving forward with our lives by forgiving and forgetting our past? No, I am not talking about searing our consciences so that nothing bothers us – my point is a willingness to fail forward, then pick ourselves up and never look back. When King David reflected on God and his own shortcomings he wrote, “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is...