Thursday; January 11
One of the things I need to work on is tolerance. I realize you couldn’t see me as I wrote that last sentence, but as I did, I cringed. I have known for years that when we ask for patience, God is apt to put us in a position where we need it – and that can be an uncomfortable setting. That is why I consciously chose the word tolerance! What I need is the ability to deal with people as they do what people do. I really believe that I have a pretty good handle on being able to work with people who are going through really tough times, my issue is tolerating them when they aren’t going through those major difficulties. In other words, I need to work on being okay with the warts and inadequacies we all have. Now that I realize this is what I need to do – and I have confessed this to you – I need to find a way to do it. Not long ago I was reminded of a New Testament passage that challenged me, “So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, k...