Monday; September 2
Traditionally, Labor Day has meant two things: First, it is the unofficial end of the summer. We still have a couple more weeks before the first day of autumn, but in reality, our summertime mentality is all but done. Secondly, Labor Day is set aside to honor the workers who have made this nation great – and continue to provide for a strong economy. While it is good to praise the labor force, I want to spend a few minutes discussing another side of working – what we, as employees, can do to make our efforts pay off for us and our employers. 1. We should be thankful for the jobs we have . It is awful tempting to complain about where we work, what we do or who we work for, but the reality is that most of us should be thankful for the jobs we have. When we work on having better attitudes we will work with better attitudes. 2. We should give a day’s work for a day’s wage . I realize that few of us are day laborers anymore, but...