
Showing posts from January 14, 2024

Monday; January 15

Martin Luther King was a man with a vision. Dr. King was also a man who was driven. Yet, one of his most compelling characteristics was the way he used words to convey his message. Not only was he focused, he was also very quotable. Throughout the years there have been several Kingisms that have made their way into the American consciousness, one of them came from a 1963 speech that advocated, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”. I would like to think we have advanced in our social consciousness in the past fifty years – but I believe this is one with which we continue to struggle. There is still a lot moral darkness in our world, but we will fail if we try to change it with our own brand of immorality – especially when it is wrapped up in hatred. We cannot try to become a better society by becoming meaner and nastier than those who hope to overcome! Centuries ago, when Jesus confronted the darkness of ...