
Showing posts from December 10, 2020

Friday; December 11

The other day I was thinking about this whole COVID mess and I had a revelation – I need to be careful how and when I express my opinions. What really got my attention was thinking about someone who had lost a family member to the disease hearing people argue about whether the virus is real or is just a political ploy. Honestly, it doesn’t matter what others think, for that individual, it is serious! For them, it isn’t rhetorical debate, it was a life and death issue and death won! The more I thought about, the more I realize how important it is to tame our tongues. Imagine someone who has a child in a drug treatment program having to overhear a heated debate about whether someone with a chemical addition should be incarcerated or merely left out on the street to fend for themselves. What would it be like to be the child of a solider who was killed in Viet Nam to have to hear someone call the conflict a politically irresponsible waste of time and resources? How about being a st...