Monday; November 29
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being passionate about our agenda. In fact, without dedicated and focused people good ideas have a tendency to fade away. However, there comes a time when our desire to advance a program can actually turn people away. The more enthusiastic we are about something, the more of a risk we take in alienating people. So how can we keep spreading our message and avoid the diminishing returns? Here are a few suggestions: 1. Realize when enough is enough. Do people avoid us when they see us coming? Do we notice that their eyes glaze over when we begin to recount our pet project? Let’s have the social awareness to know when others have had their fill of us or our cause. 2. Don’t criticize others’ inactivity in our movement. While it is great that we are laser-focused that doesn’t mean everyone else will be – and that doesn’t make them bad people. In fact, they may be just as passionate about another program that is just as worthy as ours! ...