Wednesday; October 9
Our youngest child turned thirty last week so I really don’t remember much about the thought-process of our having children. I know that Jeane and I discussed it and, since we have two children, we must have thought it was a good idea, but beyond that I don’t recall the essence of the discussion. Now, the reason for this reflection is a passage of Scripture that I came across the other day, “ Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment. ” (James 3:1). You might be wondering what this verse (about teachers) has to do with parenting – and I would have agreed with you until a few days ago – but as I thought about this passage I got to thinking about the most basic form of teaching: parenting. Parenting isn’t just about bringing a child into the world, it is about preparing them to be successful in the world. Creating another human being is rooted in an understanding of science,...