
Showing posts from December 8, 2020

Wednesday; December 9

Several years ago, I heard someone say that it is impossible to multi-task. Their point was that our brains can really only focus on one thing at a time so, while we can get pretty good at shifting gears, we can only have one primary thing going on in our minds at a time. I wasn’t an early advocate of this philosophy (probably because I prided myself on being able to keep several things juggled at one time), but the more I thought about it, the more I believed it to be true. We can only have one priority at a time, so when we are busy with a lot of tasks, we are actually taking time away from our priorities. Now, you might want to argue about the possibility of multi-tasking, but the reason I bring this up is not to debate, but rather to discuss prioritizing. Dealing with multiple things all at once is possible, it is not productive because it diverts our attention away from the other things – the important things. If we are going to be the best we can be, we have to be willin...