Monday; August 7
I am pretty good at procrastination. In fact, every once in a while, I’ll look up and see that an hour (or two) has passed since I actually did something constructive. While there are times I will avoid things because the task is difficult, I often just don’t get around to doing things. Whether it is because it isn’t a priority or I just feel lazy, there are a lot of things that don’t get done. The reason I share this with you is that I have a sneaking suspicion that I am not the only one who allows time to slip by. There typically isn’t anything inherently wrong in floating along, the problem is that when we aren’t purposeful in what we are doing, we miss out on opportunities to be constructive. Sure, there is value in relaxing – even God rested on the seventh day – but, when our rest becomes idleness because of a lack of focus, the blessing of recharging becomes ineffective inactivity. The Bible reminds us, “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, maki...