Tuesday; April 11
I wish I could eat as much ice cream as I would like and never gain weight. I wish I could wake up tomorrow morning and be able to run a marathon without doing a day’s worth of training. I wish I was 6 feet tall and had a head full of healthy wavy hair. I wish … . We can all wish, but just because we’d like something doesn’t mean that it will happen. In fact, often, we find ourselves wishing because we know that it will never happen. As I look around at the world today, I see a lot of wishing. I see people wishing that they can live a hedonistic lifestyle and not have to worry about negative consequences. I see people wishing they could rewrite history in a way that they could choose their own heroes and morals. I see people wishing they could do as little as possible, but gain great advances. The problem with this type of wishing is similar to what I have learned in my own life – wishing doesn’t make it so. Truth and reality supersede a wishful existence. Let’s be willing ...