
Showing posts from April 22, 2021

Friday; April 23

When we think about idols, most of us conjure up a vision of an icon made of wood or stone that sits at the door of some religious place. While this can be an idol, I believe that idols can be more than physical images of pagan gods. An idol can be a political system that we revere more than godliness. Idols can be movements that make more social sense than adhering to the spiritual principles. Idols can be people we listen to more than we heed the word of God. Idols can be a principle of natural or social science that claims to explain humanity more completely than the Creator. An idol can be the monetary currency we put our faith in rather than trusting that the All-powerful God will take care of our every need. Simply put, an idol is anything that usurps our reliance on and worship for God. The interesting thing about idols is that their power is limited because they were created by humans. Several years ago, one of God’s prophets considered the futility of idolatry by obs...