
Showing posts from April 4, 2022

Tuesday; April 5

I recently did a sermon about “faith”. The focus of the lesson was that we are all going to believe in something, what will it be? Will we have faith in God and the Bible or in science and humanism? In our own ways, we can find things that tend to support our opinions, but at the end of the day, we will have to have faith in something. As I thought about this lesson, I also got to thinking about another belief – what we will accept about people. We have one of two choices: we can either believe that people are inherently evil and are destined to do bad things whenever they get the chance or we can believe that, for the most part, people are good and kind seeking ways to uplift the people around them. I realize that in each of these basic insights we will have to deal with exceptions to our rules, but how will we set our vision – seeing the good or looking out for the bad? Interestingly, we will end up finding what we are looking for – either good or bad. Being wary of the bad p...