
Showing posts from July 18, 2017

Wednesday; July 19

The idea of parenting is an interesting concept.  Basically, we take an infant who can do nothing to care for themselves and, in a short two decades, we train them to function independently.  No, we can’t teach them everything in that period of time, but we provide them with the capacity to fend for themselves.   Have you ever really given much thought to what they need to know when they leave the safety of our homes and head out into the word?  Here are a few principles that will serve them well for the rest of their lives: 1.  They need to take responsibility for their own choices .  We have all been given the blessing of being able to be independent thinkers.  That is great, but it comes with a price – accountability.  We can whine and fuss and blame all we want, but satisfaction will only come when we are grown up enough to be responsible. 2.  They need to realize their responsibility to others .   Selfishness and is...