
Showing posts from July 10, 2023

Tuesday; July 11

We live in a land of diversity. In fact, the United States has been known as a melting pot – welcoming all different types of people. Many of our larger cities contain multiple ethnic neighborhoods and even if the lines aren’t as distinct as they used to be, the multi-cultural aspects of who we are have made this a fun and exciting country in which to live. In the USA, fusion isn’t just a type of cooking, it is a way of life. While diversity can make us more well-rounded, it can also create some challenges. With distinctiveness comes the potential for division; yet, when managed correctly what makes us different can make us better. The United States isn’t the first place to have to deal with this; in fact, Christianity was born out of a heterogeneous culture. People from different backgrounds came together to change the world. Jews accepted Gentiles, the rich developed relationships with the poor; slaves and freemen were brethren. The church was built on the concept, “… accept ...