Tuesday; July 30
Christians are often heard to say that they can’t wait until the Second Coming of the Lord. We believe in the rewards of heaven and we also look forward to the time when our suffering is over. Whether it is our own personal struggles like health and finances or growing weary of the prevalence of evil in the world, we can see the value of the coming of the end of the world as we know it. Now, while there is something to be said for the hope that comes with the Second Coming, there is also value to the Lord waiting to bring this era to an end. You see for every day He waits there are thousands of people who are saved. Each day, people believe the gospel of Jesus Christ and become His disciples. Just imagine how many more people will be joining us in heaven because God waited? It is easy (and natural) so see God’s actions in light of how they impact us, but when we expand our view we might be able to make sense of God hesitance to end the world. Yes, Christian life can be challen...