Friday; April 10
Charles Dickens begins his classic book, “A Tale Of Two Cities” with the following statement, “ It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness ...”. Now, I have to be honest with you – that’s about all I can tell you about the work, but this introduction to his book provides an interesting segue into our discussion of what has been called “Good Friday”. If there ever was an oxymoron it would have to be this religious term used to describe the day Jesus was crucified. On first blush, anyone would be hard pressed to find anything “good” in the day that featured the torture and political murder of Jesus. Literally, it was the worst of times. Our Lord was stripped of His clothes and His dignity. He was the subject of brutal physical and emotional abuse. He was ridiculed – not just by those who hated Him – but also by t...