Friday; April 16
Have you noticed how easy it is to see the failures in the world? We are good about noticing all of the limitations of our systems. We are fascinated by the gruesome details. We are eager to chime in with our opinions on the controversial topics to keep them smoldering. While it is natural to see the problems, the issue is when we focus on these things we are apt to stay discouraged and disheartened. When we seek out things that keep us stirred up, we are bound to stay down. While it is easy to get riled up, it is important to remind ourselves that we have to look hard to find the good. The previous statement is true on two levels. First, good news doesn’t make the front page nor is it discussed on social media or even at home over dinner. We have to make it a point to find it. Second, it is important to look for good news. If we try to live on a steady diet of negativism, it is going to eat us up! Not only will it have a negative impact on us emotionally and spiritually, i...