
Showing posts from August 2, 2020

Monday; August 3

           I get confused sometimes.  With all the stuff going on in the world, I get distracted and forget to put first-things-first.  The other day I got to feeling out of sorts – then it dawned on me why.  I get so involved in what is going on around me that secondary issues begin to take precedence.  If I am ever going to be able to maintain focus and find contentment, I have to go back to the basics; to those fundamental things that are integral to my success as a person and a Christian.            That all sounds pretty good, doesn’t it; but what does it mean?  What it means is that our priority as children of God is not to put an end to spreading the virus … or electing the next president … or even saving the climate.  Sure, these may be socially noble pursuits, but that isn’t why we are here.  As Christians – those who have been delivered from a worldly life and ...