Monday; August 1
The other day I was driving to work and noticed something interesting. Right in front of me was a nice looking, powerful Corvette. I mean it had all the bells and whistles that a $100,000 car should have. It was ready to roll! However, right in front of it was a rather common looking utilitarian vehicle driving slowly. I really don’t remember much about the car other than it was dictating the speed of the ‘Vette. There was nowhere for the sports car to go, so all that power went untapped because of what was leading it. As I followed behind these two vehicles I got to thinking about leadership. How many of us who serve as leaders are actually holding back the talented people who are coming up behind us? Since we are in positions of authority, we set the tone for the organization and, for whatever reason, we are limiting the potential of people who are raring to go! I understand that without some sort of guidance some movers and shakers can do things that put them (or us) in j...