Friday; July 21
What is the purpose of the Bible? Throughout the years we have used it as a science book, a history book or even a civil guidebook, but when we do that, we are missing out on its true value. Sure, it teaches us some facts about how the world runs or what has happened in the past, but where it excels is in helping us come to a greater understanding appreciation of God. There is no better place to look for how we can live in harmony with each other, but when we use it to find a relationship with God, we get the most out of its pages. When the Apostle Paul reflected on the message of the Bible he observed, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” (II Timothy 2:16-17). By digging into the God-breathed message, we become the spiritual beings we have been called to be. We learn about God and how we interact in His world. We see how He ...