Friday; February 23
We live in a society that isn’t very conducive to morality, righteousness and unity. (By the way, I doubt that this is shocking news to anyone!) When we look at what people are doing, it is easy to become despondent about the modern condition. Now, while accepting this demonstrates a firm grasp of the obvious, I believe that we don’t do ourselves any favors by sitting back and wishing that the world would change to suit us. Sure, it is easy to look at the chaos and crisis and think, “If they would just … everything would be so much better.”. The problem with this logic is that they probably won’t do it. Hoping for the world to change may be about as likely as seeing a leprechaun riding a unicorn. So, what do we do? If we can’t sit back and wait for the world to catch on to Christianity, how do we deal with our place in the world? I believe the New Testament provides us with a glimpse of what can be done when Paul wrote, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed...