
Showing posts from August 1, 2021

Monday; August 2

One of the things I have struggled with over the last year and a half is the lack of reliable information that has been presented. From the beginning there has been information, misinformation, mistakes and some out-and-out lies about issues. While this is bad enough on its own, when this information is filtered down through additional opinions, beliefs and agendas; things tend to get even more muddled. The fact that there is a lot of uncertainty hasn’t stopped us as a society from spreading our thoughts and beliefs. What I have found is that the more we “suppose” and support our suppositions, the more confusing things get. While this issue frustrates me as we deal with COVID, there is another place where it is even more dangerous. Have you ever thought about why there are so many “versions” of Christianity? How can a teaching based on a single point of influence be so diverse and divisive? The answer typically comes with the opening line, “In my opinion …”. The issue is less...