
Showing posts from August 3, 2023

Friday; August 4

It’s hard to believe that school is just around the corner. It seems like just a few days ago that the youngsters were getting out for the summer. Now, people are taking their final family vacations and shopping for school supplies. So, as we prepare for the upcoming school year, let’s do more than hope our children will have a good year, let’s consider a few reminders that might help the year to be the best it can be. 1. Adults should affirm the educational process . Few children understand just how important an education is (it really does cut into their playtime). When we talk about how valuable learning is, we’ll set them up for a proper appreciation of what they are doing. 2. Expect children to show respect to their peers, teachers and other staff members . A supportive environment is a good learning environment. We can hope that others will provide that to our children, but we should require the proper attitude from our household. (By the way, that means that we – as a...