Thursday; September 20
A few days ago I had the chance to help Jeane out with a project at her place of employment. My job was to stand next to the Research Vessel (an 81’ boat) and help people get on and off the boat from the dock. Since I enjoy interacting people and being around water I was in hog heaven! When people would walk up I would invite them onto the boat, offer them assistance getting on and off the vessel and wish them well as they went on with the rest of their day. As I thought about my role that day I realized something – if people wanted the help I was happy to assist them, but if they didn’t want my assistance, I wouldn’t take it personally. I would stay close by and watch to make sure they were safe, but didn’t interfere unless they needed (and wanted) help. As I pondered this, it gave me a new perspective on Galatians 6:2, “ Bear one another’s burdens, and there...