
Showing posts from February 15, 2024

Friday; February 16

Do you have a hobby? Do you have a happy place you can go and get away from the negativity of whatever is going on in the world? Do you have a way to refresh your mind – and your spirit? Most of us do a pretty good job of pursing our goals and moving forward in our existence, but I believe that we all need to take some time to get away from the day-to-day concerns of life. (Oh, and by the way, our getaway shouldn’t create more pressures than they attempt to solve.) Life is not necessarily easy, but when we find some simple pleasures that can refresh our minds we can at least avoid making it harder than it needs to be. I wonder, in our quest for getting the most out of our existence, have we lost the ability to relax and refocus? I want to challenge us all to seek out something fun to do this weekend. It doesn’t have to be exhilarating or expensive … it just needs to be something that will give us the ability to restore some peace to our spirits. Then, once we find out what it is...