Friday; June 14
On June 14, 1777 the Second Continental Congress adopted the resolution, “That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.”. It would be years later that, under President Woodrow Wilson, National Flag Day was proclaimed. It would be decades later, in 1949, when Congress codified it as a special day in our nation. Happy Flag Day! As I thought about our nation’s flag, I let my mind wander back to the 18th Century and reflect upon what that flag meant – not as a national banner, but as something that represented what had happened in the last few years. In the matter of a few years some very independent-minded people had set aside their differences and joined together to create something special. They were all ready to work together to find a unity of purpose. No, that didn’t mean that they forsook what made them unique (as states), but it did mean tha...