Wednesday; February 7
What can we do today to make this day better for someone? This may sound like some pop-psychology, but if we stop and think about it, each one of us has been given a day full of possibilities – we can either use them to annoy people our uplift them. Interestingly, it won’t be the circumstances that will make the difference, it will be how we handle them. So, back to the original question – what can we do today to make someone’s day better? Here are a few suggestions: 1. When we find that someone has made a mistake that negatively impacts us, we can choose to forgive them with a smile rather than condemn them with an angry word. 2. When someone cuts in front of us in line, rather than snarl at them, engage them in a pleasant conversation. Remember you would have never met them if they hadn’t jumped in front of you in line. 3. When someone expresses an opinion that is contrary to ours, let’s listen intently to their logic. Even if we don’t end up agreeing with them, we will lear...