Monday; November 15
The other day I started my perusal of the news with a comment from the COP26 Climate Summit that stated we are “Still on the road to hell”. Now, before we get too far into this, I am not about to get political or even environmental – my focus is strictly spiritual. The problem is that too many people have missed the point of “hell”. Just like heaven isn’t a place on earth (sorry Belinda Carlisle), hell isn’t an unfavorable condition on earth, it is the ultimate unpleasant place in the universe. I do understand irony and hyperbole, but we must be careful that employing them doesn’t lessen the impact of reality. Hell will not be the result of global warming or climate change caused by bad policy; it is the direct punishment of God for unfaithfulness. Hell will not gradually engulf the world after years of poor environmentalism, it will be immediate and eternal – the direct result of people ignoring God’s accountability and rejecting His forgiveness. Let’s continue to discuss what...