
Showing posts from October 26, 2021

Wednesday; October 27

This month’s issue of Christianity Today had a very interesting article written by Tyler J. Vanderweele and Brendan Case. The October 19, 2021 article was entitled, “Empty Pews Are an American Public Health Crisis”. While I will not repeat the article here, I will encourage you to take the time to reference it. Basically, the point of the article is the parallel between a decrease in church attendance and an increase in mental and physical ailments. The authors tackle this work from researched analysis as well as non-scientific narrative. The bottom line is that when we remove ourselves from the regular gathering of like-minded believers, we risk our own individual health and welfare. When we regularly join with fellow Christians, we increase our happiness and contentment while decreasing self-destructive behaviors. In essence, we are better together. Have you ever thought about why God calls His people into fellowship with each other? As the Creator of mankind, I believe He...