Monday; May 8
I may sound a little bit like George Carlin here but why do they call it “the news” when it is the same old thing day after day? Throughout my lifetime I have watched as the way the news is reported has changed – not just the technology but how the tenner has changed in the 21st Century. Now, please don’t think that I am naïve enough to believe that what I grew up listening to was the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth (in other words – news without spin or commentary), but I do think that 24 hour a day media outlets need to package their product so people will come back time and again. Once again, please don’t think I have an agenda – I really don’t care which outlet you watch, but I would like to offer a few warnings to protecting ourselves from being overly (and overtly) influenced by news coverage: 1. Watch/listen/read to be informed of what is happening, not just to have your beliefs reinforced . Be aware of the differences between reporting on events and commen...