
Showing posts from September 25, 2024

Thursday; September 26

How does the world look at Christians?  It is easy to become defensive about the perception the world has of us and, while sometimes it is unjustified, there are other times when we bring some of the negativism on ourselves.  Take, for example, their perception of us when it comes to politics.  I get the feeling that some of the American public looks at believers in Jesus as being out of touch … blinded by certain issues … filled with vitriol aimed at those who disagree with them.  While most of us usually have a good handle on our emotions, it is easy to get riled up in political arguments.  The problem with this is that our critics have trouble justifying our message of love when we are intolerant of certain social and political segments.  Now, please do not misunderstand me – I believe there is a difference between right and wrong and we must always stand on the side of what is good and righteous – however, when it comes to the game of politics, we need to understand the role we pla