Friday; January 3
Last Sunday morning, a friend of mine preached a sermon about a guy by the name of Gehazi. You may not be too familiar with him (I sure wasn’t), but his story comes near the end of the account of Naaman being miraculously cured of leprosy by Elisha. You see, following his healing, Naaman wanted to repay Elisha, but the prophet refused to take anything in return. However, Elisha’s servant, Gehazi decided to cash in on Naaman’s good fortune. He used Naaman and lied to Elisha for some material gain; but, unfortunately for him as II Kings 5 comes to a close, it is Gehazi who ends up with leprosy. There are several lessons in this text, but one that I want to highlight is God’s good (and free) gift. Naaman followed God’s instructions and because of it was healed. Elisha wasn’t going to put additional conditions on God’s miraculous ...